Friday, April 5, 2013

Attachments (Apegos)

We don’t possess anything. Our clothes, our house, our car, our food, our money… these are put temporarily in our care but could vanish in a minute. Even our children, our friends, our relatives, our body, our health… nothing and nobody belong to us.

It is useless to become attached to people and things because they will go away one day. Instead of clinging to them desperately and depending on them for our happiness, we should see them as visitors who came to stay with us for awhile. Visitors who we cherish and love for what they are. Visitors who will go away leaving with us sweet memories of good times enjoyed together.


Nós não somos donos de nada. Nossas roupas, nossa casa, nosso carro, nossa comida, nosso dinheiro ... tudo isso foi colocado temporariamente aos nossos cuidados, mas pode desaparecer num minuto. Mesmo os nossos filhos, nossos amigos, nossos familiares, nosso corpo, nossa saúde ... nada e ninguém nos pertence.

É inútil se apegar a qualquer coisa, porque tudo se vai um dia. Em vez de nos agarrar a pessoas e bens materiais desesperadamente e fazer com que a nossa felicidade dependa daquilo, devemos aceitá-los como visitantes que vieram para nos fazer companhia por um certo período. Visitantes que apreciamos e amamos pelo que são. Visitantes que irão embora deixando-nos com doces lembranças de bons tempos que passamos juntos.


  1. Your post reminded me of something I read years ago.

    People always come into your life for

    When you figure out which it is,
    you know exactly what to do.

    When someone is in your life for a REASON,
    it is usually to meet a need
    you have expressed
    outwardly or inwardly.

    They have come to assist you
    through a difficulty,
    or to provide you
    with guidance and support,
    to aid you physically,
    or even spiritually.

    They may seem like a godsend
    to you, and they are.

    They are there for a reason...
    you need them to be.

    Then, without any wrong doing
    on your part or at
    an inconvenient time,
    this person will say or do
    something to bring
    the relationship to an end.

    Sometimes they die,
    Sometimes they just walk away.
    Sometimes they act up
    or out and force you
    to take a stand.

    What we must realize is
    that our need has been met,
    our desire fulfilled;
    their work is done.

    The prayer you sent up
    has been answered
    and it is now time to move on.

    When people come into your life
    for a SEASON, it is because
    your turn has come to share,
    grow, or learn.

    They may bring you an experience
    of peace or make you laugh.

    They may teach you something
    you have never done.

    They usually give you
    an unbelievable amount of joy.

    Believe it!
    It is real!
    But, only for a season.

    And like Spring turns to Summer
    and Summer to Fall,
    the season eventually ends.

    LIFETIME relationships teach you
    a lifetime of lessons;
    those things you must build upon
    in order to have
    a solid emotional foundation.

    Your job is to accept the lesson,
    love the person/people (anyway);,
    and put what you have learned
    to use in all other relationships
    and areas in your life.

    It is said that love is blind
    but friendship is clairvoyant.

    Author Unknown

  2. Hi Sharon,
    Very true that people come to our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. I had heard that say, but never read the full text. Thanks for sharing with us. Hugs,


Native American Prayer Meditation, by R. Carlos Nakai


My Brother

Nobody expects that you become a millionaire or a saint before the good enlightens your heart and guide your steps.

Sublime is a charity that turns into comfort.

Divine a charity that converts into radiant love.

From tiny seeds come the giant trees that sustain life.

Avoid talking about yourself.

Fulfill your duty without interfering with the tasks of others.

Do not look for praise while going about your obligations.

Do not get stuck to small things, when the overall good requires your collaboration.

Forgive offenses quietly...

(From the book "Our Book", by the Spirit Emmanuel, Francisco Cândido Xavier, posted first on the blog Alvorada Espiritual)


Meu Irmão

Ninguém espera te transformes num milionário ou num santo para que o bem te ilumine o coração e dirija os passos.

Sublime é a caridade que se transforma em reconforto.

Divina é a caridade que se converte em amor irradiante.

De sementes minúsculas, procedem as árvores gigantescas que sustentam a vida.

Evita falar de ti mesmo.

Cumpre o dever que te cabe, sem intromissão nas tarefas alheias.

Não provoques o elogio no desempenho de tuas obrigações.

Não te prendas a ninharias, quando o benefício geral te reclame a colaboração.

Perdoa sem alarde as ofensas...

(Da obra "Nosso Livro", pelo Espírito Emmanuel, Francisco Cândido Xavier, postado antes no blog Alvorada Espiritual )


“When it comes time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home.”

Chief Aupumut, Mohican. 1725


"Quando chegar sua hora de morrer, não seja como aqueles cujos corações estão cheios de medo da morte, então quando sua hora chega eles choram e rezam para que possam ter um pouco mais de tempo para viverem suas vidas novamente de uma forma diferente. Cante sua canção de morte, e morra como um herói indo para casa.”
Chief Aupumut, Moicano. 1725